Sunday, February 10, 2008

On my mind.....

i like the fact that God knows how to get through to people, but not just people...every people, every person-it's an incredible thought. He knows what will get your attention, he knows how to keep you steadfast in your pursuit of Him, He knows how to draw you to Himself. He's a lover, wooing you to Himself. He knows how to reach someone who's never heard of Him before and He knows how to pursue the person who's sick of His name. Just something I was thinking about today...

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


The thought of the day....

We as young adults discussed tonight in our group how it seems that relationships go hand-in-hand with a person's faith. If you are a friend to someone they are supposedly 98% more likely to accept Christ than if they do not know someone who knows Christ. If a person "gets connected" to a church, a group, they are more likely to keep their faith than if they have no friends and aren't connected to other Christians. If a newcomer visits your church, they are more likely to stay if people warmly greet them and talk to them than if no one talks to them and they leave without making any connection.